Almanac | New Plains Review
Beginning | Third Wednesday (Annual Poetry Prize finalist)
California without makeup | Driftwood Press
Delicates | The Worcester Review
El Paso in Space | High Shelf Press
Everything I learned about women in movies | West Trade Review
Fairytales revised during ultrasound | The William & Mary Review
Funhouse Year | Box
Heat Advisory | The Bookends Review
Maybe Antelope, Ocean City, This Body is Not | Cathexis Northwest Press
Monster with a Name | Midway Journal
Nighttime is to nectar as fable is to fox | Breakwater Review
Oranges for breakfast | Miracle Monocle
Out of Sofya | Crab Orchard Review
Quiet Anniversary | 2River View
Riot Party | Five South (Poetry Prize finalist)
Strawberry in pandemics | Variant Literature Journal
Unknowing | Petrichor (Best of the Net nominee)
Villains, The Industry, Date Night | The Knicknackery
Vinegar | Ember Chasm Review (2021 Poetry Winner, Pushcart Nominee)